Đề 8
1.What do people complain about their working...?
-The...is often boxing,heavy,repetitive
2.Can a robot do all kinds of jobs?
-no,it can't
3.led these advantage a robot has
-It close,it jobs over and aer,it never get bored,it icrereat a constand
4.What can you say about a robots....?
-It can be made to move in any diation
1.The box can't slide down the slope because of the friction force
-The friction force prevents the box from sliding dow the slope because of the fiction force
2.A crane can lift heavy loads
-A crane has the ability to lift heavy loads
3.A knife consists of a metal blade and wooden
-A knife is made of a metal blade...
1.The heat from the water is often used (warm) the...
-to warm
2.Iron (be) one of metals found in the...it (used)by...
-Is one___________________________has been used
3.Nicholar one (develop) the forst....in 1878?
Did nicholar one develop the...
1.Electrical installation deals with cables...
-Việc lắp điện có liên quan đến dây điện,hộp số và kết nối trong thiết bị điện
2.A pile driver is a machine that lift a hammer...
-máy đóng cọc là cỗ máy mà nhấc chiếc búa lên rồi thả nó xuống vào đầu cọc
V> V-A
1.Thép nhiều các bon được dùng làm dụng cụ cắt
-high carbon steel is used to make cutting tools
2.Cơ cấu cho phép chúng ta thực hiện những việc đơn giản...
-Mechanisms allow us to do sumple thinks like switching on lights,and opening doors
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