#4: Comfort
Percy: I thought you were pureblood or half-blood. I have never seen a Muggle-born professor in my school.
Thanh: Oh, really? However, we don't have pureblood here. Vietnamese wizardkind believe that we are children of Dragon and Fairy, so we just have half-blood and Muggleborn.
Thanh's house is a Vietnamese house. It was the only thing Percy can talk about the house, because he's not good at describing and it is very similar with every modern Muggle house he saw in his country. There is a skylight between the living room and the kitchen, but Percy can smell the aroma of food right after his first step into the living room. Like eggs and so much salt.
Different from the Burrow, they have an intricately carved wooden sofa in the corner of the room. They also have a glasses table, some shelves and a television opposite the sofa. Although the kitchen is large enough to put a dining table, the family still eats in the living room. It was the reason why Percy had a chance to taste the fried rice - there was an unworn bowl on the table, maybe it's Thanh's meal and the professor invited him.
Thanh grinned:
"You good?"
"Augh," Hissing through the tooth gap, Percy frowned. He could be sure that the black hair guy did it on purpose, look at his smile! "I need water. A whole bottle, please."
Quyet, Thanh's younger brother, has the same vibe with his friend Oliver. Percy commented. Tall, stocky, blonde hair, bright eyes, sunny smile with tanned skin, he is the type of person who can give you the most positive energy you have ever known. Despite the fact that Quyet seems opposite to his brother, those two are harmonier than people thought.
"Good morning, Percy! I'm Nguyen Van Quyet, the second of three. I can see you have a very healthy and balanced lifestyle, don't you? We need four litres per day, right? Nice to meet you!"
He is loud and extroverted, too. While Percy tries to avoid being burnt by the man's energy, Thanh puts hand before his mouth, struggling to hold himself not to laugh out loud.
"N-Nice to meet you, too..." Percy said, weakly. For god sake, is this that "freaking friendly" Charlie had told him? "Y-Your brother told me about you, you seem trustworthy."
Quyet grinned - at that moment, he looks exactly like his bloody sibling:
"Really? You also can rely on me. Although I'm a- oh, wait a minute. Anh, dân phi pháp tiếng Anh gọi là gì?" ("Brother, what's exactly they call the non-magic people in English?")
"Đừng nói tắt thế, kẻo cậu Weasley hiểu lầm* đấy. Dân phi pháp thuật," ("Don't shorten word like that, Mr. Weasley would misunderstand. The non-magical people,") He emphasised the last four words, "ở Anh gọi là dân Muggle. Với lại người mới gặp người ta thường gặp nhau bằng họ chứ không gọi thẳng tên đâu Quyết." ("are called Muggle in Britain. Besides, they often call newly met people by their surname, not their first name, Quyet.")
"Ra vậy," ("Got it,") Quyet nodded. "Although I'm just a Muggle, I have the strength of ten elephants! I can help you knock out some weak wizards and witches, Mr. Weasley. I usually beat my magic brother in arm wrestling."
"Oh, um, thank you. And please call me Percy, just Percy."
"How about me?"
Thanh interrupted, raised one of his eyebrows.
"You... just keep it as it is." Percy replied. Informal style does not suit him at all. The professor sighed.
After greeting, Thanh decided to go to the kitchen.
Quyet tilted his head:
"Mắc gì? Sao anh không mời người ta đi ăn ấy, Hải Phòng mình có đủ thứ trên đời mà? Bánh đa cua, bánh mì que, bún cá cay với cả pate Cột Đèn, vân vân và mây mây. Đủ thứ như thế mà ăn bánh đa anh nấu xong no căng rồi còn thưởng thức được gì nữa?" ("Why? You must invite him to join the food tour, our Haiphong has everything in this world. Crab rice paper, stick bread, spicy fish rice noodles, Cot Den Market's pate, etc. There are a lot of food here, but how can he taste them after eating your rice paper and having a full stomach?")
He said while using his thumb to touch the remaining fingers' phalanges, as if he is counting something. Thanh paused a little bit, then he turned to Percy:
"Oh, Mr. Weasley, my brother said I should be your tour guide and guide you to join our famous food tour. Our homemade breakfast will have to take a backseat, but you can taste a lot of good food."
Thanh gave Percy the impression of a humdrum student, who can't travel anywhere in the summer, because his parents are extremely busy. Thanks to Percy's appearance, the poor kid can travel around, even though it's just within his familiar city. Percy couldn't help but agree with him.
Thus, the day back to its rail.
Nevertheless, before swallowing everything, Percy needs to do two things:
First, wearing a shell shaped hat - Thanh called it a motorbike helmet, though it looks more fragile than Percy himself. In addition, all motorbike helmets (Muggles, evidently) Percy had seen look like perforated cauldrons instead of Welsh Green eggs shells.
Second, and the last one, sitting firmly behind his (perhaps) new friend on his motorbike. Not as impressive as the guest thought, Thanh's bike was just a white bike with its model name written on the rear. Although Percy isn't that short, he still can't climb on the bike easily.
"Hmm," Thanh rubbed his chin, pondering. Then he pushed something on the left side of the motorbike. "This is a footrest, it can help you. Try to step on it with your left foot, as if you are climbing on an especially large broomstick. Hogwarts has Flying Class, doesn't it?"
"But I can make the bike lean to one side and fall. I'm an adult."
"And I'm a wizard." Thanh giggled. "What if I wasn't a wizard who could use magic to keep the motorbike balanced, I was also strong enough to do it by myself. I used to drive Quyet to school all the time."
"Nói xấu em đấy hả?" ("Are you talking bad about me?")
Quyet cried. He took a bloody cool motorbike, which Percy usually saw in Britain, out to the yard. His brother said nothing but a soft smile, making Quyet look like an angry but still adorable golden retriever.
Percy was surprised (and blushed a little bit) when he successfully climbed on the bike after doing as Thanh said, although he is an adult. He must be the one who introduced people, as if he did with the twins when they were very young. Percy was the perpetrator who taught them how to drive their family broomsticks, not Charlie like everyone thinks.
Now, another person taught him how to climb on a transport such as he is just a little boy.
The house owner looks at him through the rearview mirror:
"Are you okay? You quite... red."
"Never better," He said instinctively. To cover his own strange attitude, he asked: "Quyet will go with us?"
"No, he is going to work. But we go the same way for a short distance."
The blonde made a V sign with him.
Haiphong streets seem, no, definitely wild. It is full of vehicles, extremely noisy, a lot of students trying to break the speed limit to go to school on time, breakfast and beverages dangling from the handlebars of their bikes. There were even some people transporting huge construction materials on their tiny motorbikes and cyclo, making Percy horror.
At first, Quyet went side by side with them (making everyone and even his brother not satisfied), but after being punished by the police, Thanh had to use a Contact Spell to help Quyet babble in their ears.
"Our city is famous for banh da cua, bun ca cay and pate bread. Recently, the pate became viral, especially Cot Den Market's pate. Every traveller wants to buy at least one kilogram as a souvenir. People also praise it a lot but I don't know why. It's just the normal pate I always eat since I could bite."
"Hey, it's not a good way to voice-over about your city's special food, you know?"
Turning back, Percy saw Quyet shrug his shoulders as if they were talking face to face. The blonde grinned:
"I know. But who cares, I will ignore it when someone asks me about pate and suggests they try bun ca cay. It means pungent fish noodles, nutrition, providing a lot of energy. By the way, we have Co Dao Market and Cat Bi Market, both are amazing good job place for snacks!"
Percy confused:
"Is it an amazing job or a good job?"
"Amazing good job," Thanh answered. "A famous person had said that, then the phrase became trending among young people. Don't worry, I'm sure Quyet's English is fine, he just used to say that phrase."
"Thế anh không phải young people hả?" ("So you aren't young people?")
"Có chứ, nhưng anh không bị lậm như em. Anh là normal young person. Đến xưởng rồi kìa, không vào à?" ("Of course I am, but I'm not that trendy like you. I'm just a normal young person. By the way, don't you go to work? You are about to past your workshop.")
Quyet almost ran into the repair car shop, making everyone scatter. Thanh and Percy saw a middle-aged man, who seemed like his boss, reprimanded him after that. The Arithmancy professor pretended he didn't know the blonde, promptly drove the bike far from there.
Percy feels a little bit concerned about their brotherhood.
Finally, his first Vietnamese breakfast is banh mi pate que, which is known as pate stick bread. Reasons? Bun ca cay is too full and the fish always has a great number of tiny bones - Thanh hates them.
"You sound childish."
"Everyone has a child in their soul." Thanh responded, dipped his bread in the sauce bowl. "Sometimes we need to spoil ourselves."
The banh mi que was good. The banh mi has the size of two fingers, with fattish pate stuffed in, it is easy for Percy to eat about ten without feeling very bored. He also liked the sauce. It is quite similar with chilli sauce, but has eye-catching colour, mild and not as thick as usual. It's pungent suited with his taste, too.
The local people call it "chi chuong".
Percy tried his best to pronounce. However, he always made it turn into "cheese troll" or something. By the way, the cost is quite cheap.
Thanh consoled Percy while the seller was giving him a sympathise smile:
"It's normal when you don't know foreign languages. If we need to study the language before entering a country, nobody would go abroad."
"But my old boss could speak over two hundred languages..."
"Who? You mean Bartemius Crouch Sr.?"
Thanh set the helmet's strap for Percy, asked. He nodded.
"I thought he was a mutation? There is only one Crouch every thousand years. And your department is responsible for transportation, isn't it? Why on Earth do you need to know that much?"
Of course, Thanh couldn't understand. It was his fault. It was Percy who led Fred to the death. Just last year, his baby brother died because of him. Now, he is here, in a foreign city, escaping from his own crimes in dearest Britain. How cowardly.
Percy didn't know the rearview mirrors were charmed, allowing Thanh to observe his face. He pondered for a moment, then stopped the motorbike. Don't let Percy question anything, Thanh takes something from the small trunk which not closing during the morning, then drops it into Percy's hands. It is a dog which looks exactly like Ki but in a tiny form.
"Here, take care of him for me."
After that bark, a fat toasted bread colour dog appeared, wagged as wildly as he could. Shrinking animals is a very serious cruel crime. It can give you several months in Azkaban.
"For god sake, Thanh, you are a teacher!"
The older started the bike calmly:
"Ah, don't worry, I just do it with my pet. Besides I couldn't find someone to take care of him for me, my Nana went to the countryside to visit our relatives, so I had to bring him along with us. Ki was a good boy, wasn't he?"
The pet responded immediately:
"Woof, woof!"
"No, you can't agree with him. Your owner is so cruel." Percy told the dog, didn't notice his worry decreased quite a bit. "You are a walking fat, not a piece of lard. If you two are in Britain, Thanh will go to Azkaban."
"You are even more savage than my Nana, Mr. Weasley. She just calls him her huge pork rind."
*Dân phi pháp = Bad people
Dân phi pháp thuật = Non-magical people
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