LTD assess
Unit6: assess:
- What to assess: accuracy, naturalness, clarity, consistency
- How to assess:
1. Comparing with the source text(retrospective assessment)
Aim: to measure meaning equivalence-> make sure: no omissions (bỏ sót, no additions, no changes of meaning.
Procedures: a drafts of translation (with double spacing and wide margin) and the source text.
2. Back – translation into the source text
Aim: to measure meaning equivalence, to look for differences in meaning between the source text and the translation.
- Who is the back-translator: a person with good command in both languages and trained as a back- translator.
- This person makes the back-translation without having read the source text.
- In translating: natural and clear forms , in back-translating: literal forms but normal form of the eg
Note: back-translation maybe a poor of a good translation and vice versa-> choosing a qualified back translator is important
3. Measuring comprehension
Aim: find out what the translation communicates to its intended audience.
- Tester: the translator or some other person trained to do the task
- Respondents: ordinary people who can represent the intended readership of the text.
4. Comparing with non-translated parallel text.
Aim: checking translation against expectancy norms
Procedures: compare with parallel texts ( text with the same thematic content but not translation)
5. Measuring naturalness
Aim: to see if the translation has a natural form and an appropriate style.
- Reviewers (with skill in the TL, the awareness of the naturalness in the language and training for the task)
- Read the translation and make suggestions for improvements in the naturalness and style of the translation.
6. Measuring the readability
Aim: to identify possible problem of information load; to see whether the text has a good style; a text is easy to read because it has a good style, a pleasing rhythm, and moves a long at an acceptable pace.
Procedures: someone read the translation aloud.
7. Measuring consistency
Aim: to ensure the consistency in terms of content; to ensure the consistency the technical details of the presentation
Procedure: careful proof reading done by the translator or some other person
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