Family isn't about whose blood you have. it's about who you care about.What do you think the quotation means? Do you agree or disagree with thequotation? Why?
- For me, it means A family isn't someone who shares the same blood, DNA, or last name as you. Family is someone who is in your life and cares about your well-being and happiness more than anything. I agree with it because I think that Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and love you no matter what." It has the ability to be one of the strongest relationships out there but just like anything it has to be worked on, nurtured, and treated with respect. For me, a family that even when things aren't great they still don't turn their back on me and would do anything I needed and I would do the same for them. That is family; those who see you at your worst and help build you back up to your best. Those who live through the sad and bad moments and take pride and joy in your good moments are the people that I want in my life, and those are the individuals that I call my family.
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