Chapter 13: Its been a year
Jirou pov
I greet Momo as I entered the common room. I had everything I needed to go to Hokkaido. I'm now a 2nd year in U.A. I really miss Denki. Who knows, he can still be out there or...he can be dead. I get chills everytime I think of it. I sighed and walked out to the bus as I sat on it. There was an empty spot next to me. "Denki" that name popped into mind when I looked at it. I shook my head and looked outside. I've got to be positive. He went to protect me. He went so I can live a happy life. I shouldn't be sad. Before I knew it, we were at the hotel in Hokkaido.
"Allright class. Go put your stuff away and come down. We're going somewhere fun." Aizawa sensei said. Me and the other girls went to get the key card for our room and dropped off our luggage and rushed down stairs. We went to the fish market to look and eat sushi. When we walked through the shop's door, a blacked her lad with a yellow blot desinged sign was imprinted on his hair. That person reminded me of Denki. Our eyes met for a split second as he began to chop the fish.
"Welcome. What can we get you?" A red head lad said in a sleepy voice.
"Touya, I told you to stop talking like that." The blacked hair lad looked up.
"And I told you to stop calling me that and start to call me To-." "Can we have a salmon sashimi, Tuna sashimi..." Kirishima started ordering. The blacked hair male looked up and smirked at the red haired male.
"Allright, here you go miss, one salmon sashimi." The person behind the counter smiled and gave placed it on my plate. After the meal, the black hair male sent us off. Aizawa sensei pulled us into a alley way.
"This is your hero costume. There is two changing room in there. Change into it." We looked confused at why he said that.
"But Aizawa sensei? Why do we have to change? Kero." Tsuyu asked.
"The people in there, they're the villain league." Everyone gapsed.
"That red hair person is Dabi, that picture you see in the corner is kurogiri. And that black hair man i-." "Denki." I cut him off. He nodded and everyone gapsed. I automattically went into the changing room and changed into my hero costume. Everyone was in a hurry. I'll leave it to you guys. I'll go take care of the "other" villains. He then rushed off to who-knows-where. We then see the same black haired lad and Dabi with the rest of the villain league.
"I told you to call me Tododroki!" Dabi shouted.
"Hey! Todoroki shoto was there! Would you want them to figure out who I am!?" The black haired lad shouted back.
"Kaminari, Touya. Calm yourselfs down. Someone can hear you." The "twice" villain said.
"Sorry." Kaminari said.
"Kaminari?" I heard Kirishima said. I turned back and shushed him.
"Did you hear that?" Dabi said activating his flames.
"Let me take care of this. You guys go to the base and meet boss first." Kaminari daid as they disappeared into the darkness.
"I friggin told you guys. Donmt follow me." He said looking at our direction.
"Why did you do this Kaminari-kun!?" Midoriya said.
"You actually showed yourself. How can you be so dumb to trust a villain?" He smirked as he looked our way.
"Let us go, Denki. And we can be back to the old days." I said walking out. For a split second he seemed starled at the statement I just made. He then laughed out loud.
"Haha! Go back to the old days? Go back? Haha! How funny. Look here. You guys, are U.A students and, I am Chargebolt stun gun villain. A person who killed thousands of people in Hokkaido. I can't turn back now Kyoka, we can never be like the old days." He smirked. Suddenly, I felt a cool wind rushed past me. I knew what it was.
"Todoroki!" I said looking at him, unbelievable. He had frozen Denki.
"Ah. Thats cold Todoroki. However, you never learn, do you?" Kaminari smirked. He sent a bolt of electricity through the ice, shocking todoroki. He then broke out off the ice.
"Shoto!" Momo ran to Todoroki's side.
"PIKACHU! YOU TRAITOR!" Bakugou said flying towards him. He then landed a explosion on Denki's left hand before denki grabbed his neck and threw him to the side. I gapsed at the sight.
"You see this guys? No hero would have a robotic looking hand like this." He said raising his arm up. In a split second, everyone in my class was on the ground.
"Damn it Kaminari." Kirishima grunted before he passed out. Before I even knew it, he was in front of me.
"Denki. I don't want to do this." I said raising my earphone jacks. He started to walk towards me....and hugged me. I was confused. Why'd he do that.
"You have no idea, how much I missed you." He said looking at my face.
"Denki." I managed to say. Tears forming up in my eyes, he hugged me as I lightly punched his chest.
"Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass!" I shouted.
"I know, I'm sorry." He said looking at me. He leaned down and tilted his face and placed his lips on mine. For a split second, I saw the memories I had with Denki. Tears formed in my eyes as we seperated.
"I've got to go Kyoka, or else they'll know that I confesed. Good bye." He said ready to take off.
"Denki?" I spoke up.
"Hmm?" He asked.
"I love you." I said while blushing.
"I love you too Kyoka. Even if I die, I'll wait for you at death's gate." He said before flying into the sky as the light of his thunder shines.
To be continued~
Holy shoot ya'll, two chapter in a day? Thats crazy! Well, I was bored in class so I decided to write this. Anyways, Stay safe and read daily! Good bye!!!
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