Osuuuuuuuuu I am writing this on the plane so please if I made a mistake then forgive me thank you. ROU OUT!
My eyes widened.
"N-no w-ay!" I mummbled. I looked down at Eren who passed out but his hand clutched on to me with the meaning 'I wont die yet'.
"Eren called them for you Mikasa." Armin chuckled.
"You guys really are a mess." The boy said.
"How are you? Mikasa." The boy walked into the light the girl did the same.
"H-h-h-h-h-HIKARI!" I screamed hugging her.
"You did great Mikasa, now leave the rest to us." Hikari said. I nodded having that feeling it was safe around my friends I closed my eyes and smiled and did as they told.
"We need an ambulance! Things got out of hand!" I heard Hikari say.
"Roger that." The voice said.
Annie's pov
Who was that!? I heard Mikasa shout Hikari, wait no no no no no! Did Eren hire the survey corps!? If he did, that must be ROU HIKARI AND KUROI YAIBA.
No no no no no no I musn't get caught. I will loose everything in my life!
Hikari's pov
When I got a phone call by my secretary saying that Eren wanted to talk to me I told her to let him in. I have made a promise with him before. If it wasn't urgent, he wouldn't call for me and Yaiba's help.
————le flashu backu————
"Eren what is it."
"Mikasa is about to get kidnapped."
"I knew it. And the kidnapper's name is..."
I flipped through my files then found 'ANNIE LEOHARNDT'
I called Yaiba's office.
"Yaiba this is about Mikasa. Yes . Yes. Ok. Be fast."
"Was that Yaiba?" I nodded
"This is serious Eren, Annie has records before she had killed at least 5 people before. She paid a large amount of money to the paparazi to not release it."
"Tch. I believed in her."
"Eren it is okay. You helped us find the criminal uou should be proud."
"But it was because of me that Mikasa has a chance to die!"
"Eren you must calm down." Yaiba walked into the room and shook eren's hand.
" we got enforcement comi-."I was cut of.
"Sasha!?" I heard him scream.
"Whats wrong?" I asked him.
"My friends is about to die!" He had his terrified look on his face. This was serious. He was never terrified before only twice. I called the enforcement and quickly drove to to the crime scene.
————le presento timu————-
" Annie please come with us. It is you're choice to come with us or we will have to use force." I asked her.
"Never!" She punched me in the guts I grunted and shot her leg with a taser. She tripped but kept running.
"Yaiba!" I signaled him to get her when he was walking my way. He hesitated but then ran after her. I made sure that the enforment came when I realized she had shocked my inner organs, I fell down and blacked out.
Yaiba's pov
*thud* I looked back to see Hikari hugging her stomach and shooed me away to chase Annie. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I was there but couldn't protect her I cloud have took it for her but I was to slow. I joined the survey corps to protect Hikari but in the end I couldn't. I wiped my tears away then chased her. I cought her hoodie and punched her.
"Damn! You!" I punched her as she pushed me to the ground.
"Why would you care if I killed Mikasa!?" She shouted. My blood boiled.
"She is a b!tch that doesn't deserve Eren!" My anger rose up to my max.
"I loved him scine grade 1!" She kept punching me.
"She needs to die!" I had enough. I pushed her and kicked her down and kept her strangled.
"Mikasa is the one who deserved him!" I shouted trying to handcuff her.
"She does not!" She took took my taser and started to tase me. I couldn't move but I tried my best to. At this point I barely can move she was on top of me she kept tassing me every time I gave her a reason for Eren to love Mikasa.
"She d-deserves i- aaaahhhhhh" she tased me again.
"Why?" She finally droped the taser knowing that I couldn't move.
"If you loved him you would let hin go." I said as I heard footsteps running around me.
"Thankyou." I heard a person, a person I wanted to be with and protect shouting
"He is fine commander." They calmed her down.
"Tch." I smiled knowing that she could be treated.
I was being pulled by a sretcher on to the same ambulance as Hikari. She was asleep I noticed I cloud move my hands abit so With all my might. I took her hands and fell into the darkness.
" commander yaiba!" Was what I heard after falling into the darkness.
Mikasa's pov
I was on the ambulance with Eren and Armin. Armin was being treated by a nurse. I had ice packs on my face to keep the swollen down. Eren..... Eren was hooked up to alot of wires. His hands twiched and moved to my hand I held it tight and started to cry.
"Ya'know? Eren cared alot about you." I heard Armin said.
"In pre school all he talked about was you." I looked at Eren.
"I wanted to say that so when he does something. Hear him out first or else you would loose him. Forever." I nodded
————le timu skipu to theh hostupitalru————
Mikasa's pov
I was in Eren's room, waiting for him to wake up. His hand twiched I saw him opening his eyes.
"M-m-m-ikasa..." He managed to say.
"Eren you're awake! Let me go call the docters." I rushed out and found the docters. They inspected him and told me to go outside abit. I saw them talking with eren with very serious face. When they came out they had sad eyes and told me to spend time with him. I wonder what that was all about.
"Hey beautiful." He made me blush.
"How are you feeling?" I asked him.
"Not so well." He chuckled.
We talked for a good 30 minutes then he said.
"You should probably visit Hikari." He smilled then I nodded.
I opened the door to Hikari's room.
"Hi there." She waved weakly.
"Hi how are you?" She asked
"Im good, you?" I gave a simple replied.
"Ahahaha still hurts." She smiled weakly.
"How did you become the survey corps?" I asked.
"After loosing to the kidnappers we were taken away, seeing Eren get dragged away I got mad of myself. I decided to join the survey corps to protect more people." She said. I was shocked.
"I told Yaiba that he didn't have to go and beg him to say. But he told me something that shocked me 'if you try to protect me and I cant what is the point of trying when you know the only family you have left is sad and alone!?'" I never knew that yaiba loved her that way.
Hikari's pov
"Whats the point Hikari!!" I started crying because of his words. He picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride back.
"Why? Why are you being so nice to me!?"
"Is there any other reason!?" He shouted
"Its because I love you Hikari I really do I love you so much! So don't push me away!" He said as he hugged me and we stayed like that for the rest of the night and fell to asleep like that.
"Wow!" Mikasa was amazed.
"So are you guys a thing?" My face flushed with red
"No." I answered quickly.
"Wait what!?"she whispered.
"He hasn't asked me out yet." I replied simply.
"You should go check on Eren." I replied.
Mikasa's pov
I saw the docters were in there they had sorrow on there face I came in to see Eren lying on his bed the wires were un hooked. I started to worry.
"H-hey whats going on?" I asked Armin he was there to.
"I'm so sorry Mikasa, im so so sorry." He cried.
"Why? Eren? Speak to me!" I started to cry.
"He's dead mikasa. He's gone!" Armin cried louder.
What? He's gone? But he was just fine what happened?
"Eren? This has got to be a joke right guys? Eren! Stop joking! Wake up!" I yelled and held his lifeless body.... he'
Ohhhhhhh clif hanger wow! 1470 words I am amazed! Oh well se ya! ROU OUT!
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