About Nakamoto... about Yuta and about Nakamoto Yuta
Takoyaki Prince 🎤🍒🐙 dịch, tổng hợp chút- NCT LIFE- vlive - show, behind The Scend, mu Beyond- interview- fanacc- twitter…
Takoyaki Prince 🎤🍒🐙 dịch, tổng hợp chút- NCT LIFE- vlive - show, behind The Scend, mu Beyond- interview- fanacc- twitter…
Trong cuộc sống vốn đã rất hiếm các cặp vợ chồng sinh được năm em bé, bây giờ hãy tưởng tượng rằng hai gia đình đã có chúng. Gia đình Nakano có 5 cô con gái trong khi gia đình Tsukiyama có 5 cậu con trai. Chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra khi 10 thanh niên này gặp nhau thời trung học? Liệu có lãng mạn đến quyền lực thứ năm?…
English is the most internationalof language. It is spoken as a native language in the United States, Australia,New Zealand, most of Canada and some other country. It is also used as a secondand foreign language by 700 million people in the remaining parts of the word.To many people, English is an important language to master because it is agateway to word scholarship and international trade. It has become the officiallanguage in the fields of politics, business, science and technology. In ourcountry, English is the main language, which is taught in schools and widelyused in business. If we know English, we can read many kinds of English booksto wide our knowledge, to communicate with the foreigners most easily and aboveall, to find a good job in the business company. In brief, it is necessary forus to know English. If we know English well, we have a better change ofimproving our lives.…